Coupon Basics

When you start to coupon there are a few things you need to know how to do, the first thing is being able to read a coupon.

So As you can see this is a Manufacturer's Coupon for Colgate.

1. Always pay attention to the expiration date.  This expired on 3/31/09. The expiration date will Almost ALWAYS be on top, next to the coupon type. 

2. Pay attention to the type of coupon it is, this is a Manufacturer Coupon, so if you can a store coupon you could Stack them. 

3. Read the coupon, don't just look at the picture.  This is for $1 off 2 Colgate Toothpastes.  You HAVE to buy two to use this coupon. 

4.You do not always have to buy what is on the picture.  Most of the time the picture is just an example of what you can buy. Like with this you don't have to buy the Cavity Protection, you can buy any 2 Colgate toothpastes and this will work.

5. Make sure to read the fine print.  Some coupons will say limit 4 per transaction.  

6. You can only use 1 Manufacturer Coupon per item.

This is a store coupon.  This coupon can only be used at Target. BUT If you have a Manufacturers Coupon you can do what is called Stacking.

STACKING: Stacking coupons is when you have A Manufactures Coupon and a Store Coupon for the same item.  You can use both to get the item even cheaper. You can only use 1 Manufacturers Coupon and 1 Store Coupon per Item. 


 Per Purchase: Every Item you buy is considered a purchase, You can use one manufacturer’s coupon per item. 

Per Transaction: Every time the cashier hands you a receipt. Sometimes you will be doing multiple transaction during a single Shopping Trip.